My name is Tracey
I have dabbled in many crafts over the years including
scrapbooking and lead lighting. Always doing some sort of cross stich and embroidery.
I have always enjoyed sewing, but approximately 10 years ago, I found my passion. Patchwork.
I also found Machine Embroidery and Art Quilts along the way
Late last year, I had a life changing diagnosis. A small nasty Breast Cancer. Thankfully they found it very early (please don’t put off your regular mammogram checks). After a long treatment regime, I will be cured.
Over the last few months, I have had a lot of time on my hands to think about life and where it is taking me. One thing I have wanted to do for quite a few years is have my own shop. Be it just online or Bricks & Mortar. So, I have decided, why not just do it. No regrets.
So here we are
Welcome to my little online store, Poppys Patchwork.
Providing excellent quality at reasonable prices.
It may be small to start with, with some of the basics, but my intention is to continually grow, with a lot of pre orders already placed for new fabric ranges due in over the next few months.